Tuesday, April 14, 2020

On Post-Structuralism

When it comes to post-structure; to my knowledge from the sociological point view, it appears as a perspective that deconstructs and decodes the "meta-narrative" of existing paradigms that originated in the land of hegemonic epicentres of knowledge. Be it functionalism, symbolic interactionism or even the Marxist paradigms.

What evolved in my mind during this lecture was that there is a more deep vacuum in btw that has to be understood. Articulating conventional and analytical school of thoughts as ontological and epistemological processes respectively, brought more clarity on my understanding about what a 'post-structure' is and what it intends to be. I need more cultivation of mind to process it further. However, a general idea premise I saw in the lecture but was too more focused on the 'metaphysical' and 'normative' arena of post-structure.

The reflection came from an article that I read a few weeks ago in a "science" magazine, which forced me to look at whether a similar debate exists in physical science also? It is still in bits and pieces in my mind but I will try and explain it with best of my capacities.

The idea of binaries in general and its epistemological processes, i.e. signifier and signified, linguistic dynamics etc. might be seen in the realm of the debates that are currently happening in the contemporary modern science (physics), specifically in the recent studies on quantum physics.

The research indicates that quantum physics essentially studies what consists in an atom and even deeper micro-universe within now exist differently in 'strange-metals'. Which proves that there are linkages between 'quantum physics' and 'entanglement' for which cascade of electrons is the best evidence.

Now, The historical practice of looking at quantum from microscopic lenses has been questioned and is turning into understanding quantum in the macroscopic dynamics also. Here, the question comes in between, how is the physical science addresses the macroscopic quantum or the quantum criticality in 'strange metals'. There might be no conventions that are existing ontologically or no analytics can explain its epistemology. It is yet to find whether there are and are no binaries in them. Let us hypothesized that there is no binary, then it proves that post-structure flops here!

Reflection is still moving and changing just like a process that doesn't end!