Tuesday, June 2, 2020

un-layering learnings_🌿

we tend to forget many stories by layering our realities with new learnings, new language, and new knowledge. However, it seems a natural process but it must also be seen critically from a pedagogical perspective.

communities like dalit that have been epistemologically muted for centuries; are in the ambit of continuous subjugation for multiple reasons. one of them is that they are yet to form alternative discourses, perspectives, concepts, categories, methodologies, frameworks, etc. in short, they have to strive for "alternative knowledge systems."

this argument may sound against modernity, rather going back to past may feel like no need to reveal the painful history; instead, this is not. apart from the importance of building alternative knowledge systems, one has to know understand three important processes while decoding the context namely: "freedom of mind," "inventive mind," and "navayana."

freedom of mind: it is the process of realizing one's own ontological beingness. It sets the norm or a bottom line, "all are humans, and nobody is inferior to others." but mere this is not enough. a learner also has to act to propagate this idea. by acting, it means rejecting knowledge systems that affirm oppression and inferiority.

inventive mind: a mind that seeks "newness". it leads the person to invent ideas and formulate new "visionary epistemologies" that can connect the past and present with the future.

navayana: navayana is a dynamic process (changes with said contemporary situations) that parallelly conglomerates the above two processes to formulate the "alternative knowledge system." it opens up a cosmos to learn and build more alternative knowledge systems.

📑 un-layering learnings
🖋 @dnyanesh_____